Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Summer Shape Up 2K15: Feeling Strong in Week 6!

Hey guys!

Another week is in the books and I must say coming out of week 6 I feel stronger than ever. I'm up to 60 minutes of straight, non-stop high intensity cardio (hill routine on treadmill, darebee workout, and/or elliptical) and can do three sets each of one or two strength/toning routines with only the expected fatigue and muscle soreness. My energy levels are through the roof and I'm also feeling much more in control of my emotional and mental state. This summer is by far one of the most successful in terms of health and fitness, and although I'm a little nervous about what will happen when I add back in school/work I'm feeling more motivated than ever.

Lessons Learned:

1. FARMERS' MARKET > GROCERY STORE: Let's face it, fruits and veggies are NOT cheap, especially when you're trying to do the organic thing. So after over a month of procrastination (and spending WAY too much money) I finally made it out to one of the local markets near my parents' place and it was AMAZING! We got there a little late and some of the good stuff was already sold out but we stocked up on beautiful fresh, organic veggies for so much cheaper than the grocery stores and even grabbed some delicious fruit juice on the way out. I definitely recommend skipping the produce section and heading to the nearest farmers' market you can find on your next shopping trip. Your body (and your wallet) will thank you.

2. COFFEE IS MY FRIEND: Since my dad hasn't been home to make coffee (I have no idea how to use their fancy machine) I haven't been drinking my daily cup--ok two cups--of coffee that usually keep me going when I'm up at school. My increased energy and improved sleeping patterns have left me feeling really alert and so I guess I didn't really feel pressed to search for alternative options, but I had a cup the other day since there was some left over after my parents had theirs and my workout that evening was on a whole different level. I usually just power through a workout motivated by good music and the feeling of accomplishment that I know always comes after, but a little caffeine boost can really take a great workout to the next level. There are tons of articles on the costs and benefits of caffeine before a workout so definitely take some time to look through those before making it a part of your routine (which by the way is NOT what I'm recommending here). But let's face it some days we just need the little extra push to get us in the gym and through the workout and a good cup of joe can be the perfect workout buddy in those moments.

Tip of the Week:

DOCUMENT YOUR JOURNEY: When I started this blog I had no idea what I wanted it's ultimate identity to be, and I still don't really know.  However, every week when I come on to read it I feel a huge sense of pride and increased motivation to keep on improving in all aspects (physical, mental, emotional). Taking the time each week to write down and/or record summaries of your progress, struggles, lessons learned, etc. will help you to stay present in the process. So often we focus on the end result and forget to take a moment and celebrate the tiny, everyday obstacles we've overcome and those are the very things that can often keep us pushing through when times get tough and motivation dips. Health and fitness journeys--well any self-improvement journey really-is such a personal experience so I'm definitely not recommending that everyone hop on the internet and publicly share with the world. But start a journal or create a folder on your computer to document it for yourself. You'll be amazed at how much you change week by week and it will be a great product to have when you reach your goal.

Ok that's it for this week everyone. Thanks to all who clicked like and/or favorite on the #ChallengeMe pics that went up on Facebook and Twitter. The results are in and I announced them in the video below. Next week I'll FINALLY be taking you all into the gym with me and recording an accountability section showing me actually doing the squats and push ups you challenged me to.

Please feel free to leave your own lessons learned, tips, comments, questions and/or concerns in the comments section here or over on the YouTube and Facebook pages. Make sure to check back next week and as always...

Enjoy the journey...

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