Monday, August 24, 2015

Summer Shape Up 2K15: 2 Months Done!

I've officially completed my Summer Shape Up 2K15 program. Well technically I have one more week, but the intensive portion of it is over and I shift into setting my more realistic fitness program that I'll fit around my busy school/research schedule. Miami was a great, relaxing setting as always and I have to say I think I achieved the best results I've ever had in one summer.

Now on to the lessons learned and tip of the week:

Lessons Learned:

1. WATCH YOURSELF: This week I filmed myself for the vlog update and I have to say watching the footage was both a humbling and motivating experience. I watch myself in the mirror all of the time, but there was something a little different about watching my workout on camera. While it wasn't the most graceful performance it was interesting to watch myself pushing through the tough moments in each portion of the workout. At certain points I could literally see myself willing my body to complete the motions and push through to finish a set. Watching myself push beyond self-imposed limits and trust my body was seriously motivating. It also helped me to get a better look at my technique during certain exercises to help and improve for the next workout. I highly suggest doing this at least once. When I was a classroom teacher I was often encouraged to film myself teaching and watch it back to help expose any areas where I could further increase my effectiveness. The same applies here, and I think I'll definitely make a video every couple of months or so to further document my progress and growth.

2.  LEVEL UP: Naturally as you continue to workout various exercises will become easier and you might find yourself slipping into a comfortable little zone where you know you'll look and feel good about how you've done. However, leveling up in some way (and it doesn't have to be a huge leap) will continue to push your mental and physical growth in your journey to better overall health. Maybe you run a little bit further, or increase the speed, incline or resistance on your favorite cardio equipment, or you increase the amount weight you lift. Constantly switching things up in terms of what you do will keep your workouts fun and decrease the likelihood that you will plateau. However, leveling up and increasing the amount of effort required will really push your body to meet challenges you never thought possible.

3. STRETCH OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE: So this week I tried yoga (for the millionth time). I'm not such a big yoga enthusiast...not really sure why, but it just never really holds my attention and I always end up feeling really awkward and out of place even in beginners classes. However, after the restorative yoga class that I took this week I am reminded of the need to explicitly focus on stretching to improve flexibility and also keep my body in better condition to power through workouts with less injury. Also, the change of pace and more relaxed environment provided an opportunity to once again focus on my mental and emotional health and assess the ways in which this impacts what I am able to accomplish in the gym.

Tip of the Week:  
CAN'T STOP, WON'T STOP: I've written a number of times in this series about setting small goals on your way to your ultimate goal and as I reach the end of my summer shape up series for 2015 I want to reiterate that point. Just as I identify as a lifelong learner I find that my journey to increased mental, emotional and physical health will be one that I continue for a lifetime. That is not to say that I will never be satisfied with the way I look and/or feel, or become in some way obsessed with keeping a particular figure. However, each new year of life, each new professional experience, each new development in my personal relationships impacts the ways in which I react mentally, emotionally and physically. Constantly remaining aware of how you react as life and the world around you changes will ensure that you remain on a healthy path and that you will continue to be happy with and love the person that looks back at you in the mirror.

Ok folks. That's all I have for you today. My FINAL post in this series will come in about one week and will be the first post from New York (I am actually sitting in the airport now waiting for my flight to board). Many thanks to those of you who continue to follow along in my journey. I hope you have found the tiniest bit of encouragement and motivation somewhere within it and if not at least been slightly entertained as I try to put this complex experience into writing.

Please feel free to leave comments/questions/suggestions/criticism/etc. below or over in the comments section on the YouTube channel and as always...

Enjoy the journey...

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