Sunday, September 28, 2014

Coffee Shop Tour: Think Coffee, Greenwich Village.

A couple of weeks ago I introduced one of my favorite series that I'll be doing on this blog: The Coffee Shop Tour! If you haven't already done it, check out the post and see how the tour got started. 

As a reminder here are the criteria I use to determine whether a spot meets my coffee shop needs, which I've decided to convert to a point system to help with the final review:

1. Seating (0-5 points)
2. WiFi (0-1 point-you either have it or you don't)
3. Drink variety (0-5 points)
4. Snack options (0-5 points)
5. Whether "camping out" is encouraged or not (0-3 points)
6. Outlet availability (0-1 points-another hit or miss)
7. Music/Overall atmosphere (0-5 points)

Last week I'd spent so much time on campus that I wanted a little bit of distance so I decided to head out to Greenwich Village--one of my favorite neighborhoods in NY, which brought me to my spot of the week:

Think Coffee - Greenwich Village (Mercer st., between 3rd and 4th)

Photo credit: Midtown Blogger
One of the methods I use to find a coffee shop is to take the subway to an area of NY that I like and then search for "coffee shops" in my Yelp! app. With five locations in the city, Think Coffee showed up on more than one search and each location had very high ratings so I decided to check it out. I will say going in I was skeptical as it is a chain and even has five more locations in Korea...but the Yelp reviews really had me curious. Here is how the Mercer St. location measured up based on my criteria:

The super fun table maze
1. Seating:  The shop itself is quite spacious and they've used it wisely, setting up three distinct seating areas. In the front there are two sections on either side of the door: one featuring larger tables for up to four guests and the other side featuring high top tables and two sets of bar seating--one at the window and one at the wall with a long strip of outlets. Although the back of the shop is more spacious than the front they've crammed tons of mini tables (seating for no more than 2 at each table) and a couple couches. Also people are free to sit at the bar and watch the baristas work while they sip on their drinks, eat their snacks and/or study. The only downside is that people push a lot of the tables together and create a horrible maze that is almost impossible to navigate through with bags and drinks in hand. Score: 4 points (-1 for the crazy table maze)

2. WiFi: This is really a hit or miss category and this location was a HUGE hit. Not only was the WiFi free but the network name and password were prominently displayed on the wall at the counter where drink lids, sugar and cream are located so it was IMPOSSIBLE to miss--although I did on my first time at that counter....#DontJudgeMe. Score: 1 point

Surprising quiche and ice coffee
3. Drink variety: Not only does this location offer a wide variety of coffee and espresso drinks they also have herbal teas (multiple greens, whites and oolongs) as well as beer and wine. Again-HUGE plus because it can not only work for future studying, but also outings with friends and even dates. Score: 5 points

Heavenly pecan square and green tea
4. Snack options: Matching their wide variety of drink options, Think Coffee also offers plenty of options for food. From quiche to cookies there is pretty much something for everyone. I sampled the quiche (which surprised me with bacon but I actually enjoyed it) and then later had a pecan square with my tea and each bite was like a little piece of heaven in my mouth.  Also both drink and food prices are pretty reasonable and I think I only spent about $16 for two drinks and two snacks. Score: 5 points

5. Camp out or nah?: Camp out for sure! With so many seating options you can move around when you feel like you're starting to grow roots in one spot and with all of the food/drink options you could probably have all three of your meals there should you require an all-day study/work session, however there is definitely NO pressure to keep purchasing. During my time there a woman sat next to me and pulled out multiple tupperware containers of food and only bought one tea while she was there. At first I was shocked by this (especially since one of her containers produced a quite offensive odor), but after looking around I noticed others also took the bring your own snack option. Score: 3 points

View of bar area
6. Outlet availability: Another hit or miss category...and another HUGE HUGE HUGE hit for Think Coffee Greenwich Village. As mentioned in the Seating overview there is a strip of outlets behind one of the bar seating areas and it is absolutely amazing! Also in the back of the shop there are multiple spots where you can sit and have access to up to four outlets so charging up is definitely NOT an issue here. Score: 1 point

7. Music/Overall Atmosphere: I was really into my music on this particular day and didn't pay much attention to what was playing through the shop's system, but they definitely had music going the entire time and with an extremely friendly barista staff and a young college crowd (it's right near the NYU campus for those that aren't familiar with NY) the atmosphere is very young and vibrant and you definitely won't be the only person with your head buried in a book or working your way through your next masterpiece of a paper. Score: 5 points
Final Review: With a final score of 24/25 Think Coffee-Greenwich Village definitely stole my heart. Whether you've got a hardcore study/workload on your plate, need a chill spot to catch up with friends or just need a comfy place to rest your feet after a long day of walking around the city Think Coffee provides a spacious and comfortable environment. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT! 

If you have a coffee shop that you think I might like leave a comment below with the name and address and I'll check it out and review it here! 

“As long as there was coffee in the world, how bad could things be?”
― Cassandra Clare, City of Ashes 

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