Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Introducing the "Coffee Shop Tour" Series

My eyes are burning, my head is pounding and my fingers feel cramped from endless underlining and margin's official. Classes are in full swing--drop/add is over and there is no turning back. Marathon sessions in the library have begun and the incessant babbling from groups working on presentations and papers (Teachers College LOVES a group project) can be heard from all corners of the 2nd floor of the library.

Speaking of the library, TC did a pretty good job of creating a space that meets multiple learning and working styles, featuring everything from a giant teddy bear to a pillow stone garden. There's even a treadmill for those who want to take multitasking to a whole new level (see pics below).  

 1st floor: Computers & Printing stations; Circulation desk; treadmills(for that extreme study experience).

2nd Floor: Talking allowed, comfy arm chairs for a cozy study session (and napping in between classes), computers, a pillow rock garden and (dirty?) giant teddy bear (he's often used as a bed as well)

3rd floor: Traditional library atmosphere complete with long tables, gorgeous desk lamps and the occasional death stare should one breathe or turn a page too loudly (kidding, kidding). 

Now all of these amenities are great, and I take advantage of them often. However,  given the extremely large amount of reading that I must do on a daily basis, limited seating availability, and the natural distractions that come along with trying to work surrounded by classmates who are also your friends, I often find myself in need of other study locations. Starbucks was my original go-to spot, but  it is nearly impossible to find a seat at any located within 20 blocks of my school and if/when I did, the constant flow of customers caused even more distraction than the campus library....thus the birth of my NEW YORK CITY COFFEE SHOP TOUR! 

The tour began in the Spring semester, and so far I have hit a number of really cool spots. Based on an analysis of some that top my list, here is what an optimal coffee shop usually offers:

1. Comfy/Creative Seating Arrangements: Now obviously I'm not looking for plush couches or seating for hundreds, but in a city that is SO crowded the biggest adjustment this Florida girl has had to make is learning to function in tight spaces. Therefore, most of the places that top my list have seating arrangements that give me a little breathing room. Also, non-conventional seating (i.e. window seats) can earn bonus points for creativity and overall atmosphere.

2. WiFi: Very few of the projects that I work on can be done without consulting the internet at some point, so not having (free) WiFi earns an immediate placement on the ONLY IN EMERGENCIES list. Additionally, a simple password that is prominently displayed so I don't have to flag down a barista/waiter/waitress to ask for it definitely earns some bonus points.

3. Both Tea AND Coffee options: Most days I need the caffeine boost from a nice cup of black coffee (that's right I drink my coffee black), but sometimes I'm full of energy and just want something hot and soothing to sip on and a nice cup of tea hits the spot.

4. Low Calorie or Healthy Food/Snack Options: Typical coffee shop snacks tend to include heavy cakes, muffins, cookies and bread. I love a place that offers lighter choices that help to keep my energy up and don't leave me feeling groggy while studying. 

5. Encouragement to "camp out" without pressure to keep buying: Nothing is more awkward than the constant stare from a barista or frequent check-ins from a waiter/waitress asking if you're ok or if there is anything else they can get you as you're trying to push through an intense reading or writing session. I typically don't stay at a coffee shop for more than 2 or 3 hours at a time, but I like knowing that even though I only bought one $2-$4 drink you're more than happy to let me occupy that table in the corner until my paper is finished. Who knows? Next time I just might bring a few friends with me or brag about your kind staff and encourage others to stop by when they too tire of the campus library scene. Customer service is everything folks. 

6. OUTLETS: Without question the hardest thing to come across in this city is a place to plug up while out and about. Access to outlets definitely outweighs all other criteria and can cause me to overlook even the snarkiest of employees while I get a little juice before heading to another spot or persuade me to indulge in one more cup or bite to eat and camp out a little longer.

7. Music: Sometimes I find wearing my headphones annoying while working (don't ask because even I don't understand why) and a nice variety of music softly playing in the background can create an awesome atmosphere that motivates and energizes me throughout my work session. While this does not usually carry very much weight in my rating of a coffee shop, much like the creative seating arrangement and password display it can help to earn some bonus points and possibly even a re-visit. 

Side Note: Location isn't really a factor because the best part of the tour is getting away from campus and exploring various parts of NY, so I don't mind venturing out into other boroughs. 

I usually get to one or two coffee shops each week (mostly on the weekends) and definitely more than that during midterms and finals when the library is EXTRA crowded. Each week I'll do a review of the shops I visit and give a detailed account of my experiences for your reading pleasure. I'll even go back and do a few of my favorites that I've already hit.  Here is a sneak peak of some of those....

Also, if you know of (or work at/own) a spot that you think meets my criteria let me know and I'll check it out AND give you a shout out! 

“I don't know where my ideas come from. I will admit, however, that one key ingredient is caffeine. I get a couple cups of coffee into me and weird things just start to happen.”
― Gary Larson
(author of The Far Side)

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