Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Summer Shape Up 2K15: Made it Through Week 2!

Hello All!

Apologies for being late on the week 2 update, but I took a much needed trip to visit a close friend of mine and decided to just take the time and really enjoy myself.

Week 2 was so much easier than week 1. I took the lessons learned and my own tip of the week to heart and really just hit my stride. My body is adjusting to the new diet and routine and I'm getting into a great flow with everything. However, every week comes with new tests and battles and so as usual here are my lessons learned and tip of the week coming out of week 2: This week I focused on really listening to myself and remaining in touch with my body and thoughts at every step of the way, so you'll find that many of the lessons are centered around that idea:

Lessons Learned:

1. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY: About 6 months ago I took an aerobics class and somehow hurt my back pretty badly. Ever since then I've had pretty chronic discomfort in my lower back, which I can usually alleviate through rest and stretching. When I started this new workout regimen I pushed myself to reach my 3-5 day goal by going in to the gym with very few rest days in between, which really BACKfired...get it...ok sorry. This week's first lesson is to listen to your body. If something starts to hurt, if you get dizzy, if something just doesn't feel right...stop. Immediately. Assess the situation and make adjustments. For me, the adjustment was to workout only two days in a row and then have a rest day (or two if necessary) where I focus on doing just that-resting. I also stretch A LOT on that day, giving my back extra love so that I'm ready to really go for it on my next day in the gym. The more you see results, the more you'll want to keep getting in the gym, but trust me risking an injury is definitely not worth it and could delay results.

2. ME, MYSELF & I: The gym can be a very intimidating place and I often find myself looking around and falling into the comparison game. You know the one where you start comparing your body to others', or trying to run as fast as (or faster than) the person on the treadmill next to you. Your workouts should be a very personal experience that have little to nothing to do with anyone else. I try to workout in front of a mirror or window where I can see myself and make eye contact with MYSELF as much as possible. Each day I workout I am only trying to do better than I did the day before. This also plays into the first lesson. Pushing too hard to keep up with others in the gym can lead you to injury as you push your body further than it is ready to go. Consistency will lead to steady progress. It might not happen as quickly as you want it to, but you'll get there.

3. MUSIC MATTERS: I love music and use it to motivate myself in almost everything that I do. I crank music up when I'm studying, when I'm driving and ESPECIALLY when I'm working out. However, the type of music that I listen to can really make or break a workout. Also, I need tons of variety because listening to the same music over and over again kills my vibe very quickly. In the past I've made different workout playlists and rotated them throughout the weeks (I still do this). However, I've also found that various apps are extremely helpful in providing the perfect soundtrack to any workout. My personal favorites coming out of week 2 are Spotify and Pandora. Spotify's "Workout Twerkout" playlist was great for a while but recently I've been listening to the "Women of RnB & Hip Hop" list. There is something about listening to great songs by strong women that just pushes me so much further in my workouts. Also I LOVE Pandora with my favorite channels being the 2000s and 90s hip hop channels as well as...and don't judge me here..the Britney Spears channel (it features a ton of fast-paced songs that really keep me motivated during cardio..it just works for me haha).

Tip of the Week:
MIRROR, MIRROR ON THE WALL: So mirrors can be almost as hard to deal with as scales when embarking on a fitness journey. However, I've found that mirrors can actually be your best friend, especially when you're first starting out. As I stated earlier I make it a point to look in a mirror while I workout to keep my focus on ME the entire time I'm in the gym, but I don't shy away from looking in the mirror when I'm at home either. In fact I make it a point to spend a little bit of time each morning and each night looking at myself in the mirror and finding at least 3 new things I love about myself and my body. We all have something we probably wish we could change or improve, but no matter how much work you put in you'll never be satisfied until you learn to love yourself for everything you are in the present. Taking time to look in the mirror and have a positive conversation with yourself about your body will help you build a better relationship with it and you might even find that workouts are even easier to get through. Also, you'll often see results in the mirror much quicker than you see them on the scale, which will keep you motivated and encouraged.

I hope you've found this week's lessons and tips helpful. You can also head over to the YouTube channel now for a video on the third component of Summer Shape Up 2K15, meditation, which further emphasizes the importance of remaining aware of your mental and emotional health along with the diet and exercise components. In the video I review three of my favorite apps that I use to assist in keeping my thoughts positive and aligned with my overall health & fitness goals.

As always please feel free to leave a comment/question/suggestion. I'd love to hear how you all keep yourselves positive and focused while engaging in your own health and fitness journeys. If you leave them in the comments I'll add them to the beginning of next week's update. Let's all stay motivated together.

Enjoy the journey...

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