Thursday, October 22, 2015

Preparing for the Road Ahead

It's been two months since I've written anything in this blog and that makes me sad... very, very sad.

As expected the beginning of the semester was a shock to my system, and although it was kind of touch and go there for a bit, I'm finally getting my footing and hitting a stride that I think is sustainable for the rest of the semester (click here for a video on my strategies).

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That said I can't shake the fact that lately I've been feeling overwhelmed by the entire doctoral process. Now that I've actually begun the dissertation writing process (I'm preparing to present my proposal by the end of the spring semester-hopefully) I'm beginning to feel the weight of the task at hand, and at times it can be a bit suffocating. Writing has always been a passion of mine and normally it isn't something that I struggle with, but every time I sit down to start writing various components of this proposal I tense up and usually end up walking away feeling defeated and having made very little progress.

I'm not sure where this paralyzing fear is coming from, but I think it stems from the constant reminder that as doctoral students we are no longer analyzing information, but rather creating something... adding to the conversation or in some cases attempting to change it (or at least the ways in which people view it). That seems like such a large overwhelming task and yet it is the very reason that I decided to enter a doctoral program in the first place.

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So now I am at the point once again of building myself up, finding that inspiration, finding that spark that reenergizes me and pushes me past the self-doubt, the need to be perfect, the fear of putting my work in front of others and opening myself up to critique. I worked "on the ground", "in the trenches" and whatever other idioms you might have to describe the experience of working as an educator in today's American public school system. I have watched, and sadly contributed to, the silencing of students and teachers in the name of "accountability" and I pushed back and resisted in the name of humanity and equality.

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This process is meant to test your commitment, your strength and most of all your belief in yourself. Finishing this degree is about more than expanding my mind and pushing my ways of thinking (although that is happening almost on a daily basis). I want to add to this conversation, I want to be a part of the change that not only welcomes but values different ways of knowing and of communicating knowledge. So while I know there is an intense and possibly frustrating journey ahead of me, I'm slowly coming to realize that I wouldn't want it any other way.  Discomfort, fear, doubt... all of these things push us to grow and change for the better. It all just depends on how you frame it.

Please feel free to share any quotes, images, advice, etc. that help you to get through obstacles or reignite fire/passion when goals seem clouded by fear or self-doubt by leaving a comment below. Stay motivated and as always...

Enjoy the journey....

Monday, August 24, 2015

Summer Shape Up 2K15: 2 Months Done!

I've officially completed my Summer Shape Up 2K15 program. Well technically I have one more week, but the intensive portion of it is over and I shift into setting my more realistic fitness program that I'll fit around my busy school/research schedule. Miami was a great, relaxing setting as always and I have to say I think I achieved the best results I've ever had in one summer.

Now on to the lessons learned and tip of the week:

Lessons Learned:

1. WATCH YOURSELF: This week I filmed myself for the vlog update and I have to say watching the footage was both a humbling and motivating experience. I watch myself in the mirror all of the time, but there was something a little different about watching my workout on camera. While it wasn't the most graceful performance it was interesting to watch myself pushing through the tough moments in each portion of the workout. At certain points I could literally see myself willing my body to complete the motions and push through to finish a set. Watching myself push beyond self-imposed limits and trust my body was seriously motivating. It also helped me to get a better look at my technique during certain exercises to help and improve for the next workout. I highly suggest doing this at least once. When I was a classroom teacher I was often encouraged to film myself teaching and watch it back to help expose any areas where I could further increase my effectiveness. The same applies here, and I think I'll definitely make a video every couple of months or so to further document my progress and growth.

2.  LEVEL UP: Naturally as you continue to workout various exercises will become easier and you might find yourself slipping into a comfortable little zone where you know you'll look and feel good about how you've done. However, leveling up in some way (and it doesn't have to be a huge leap) will continue to push your mental and physical growth in your journey to better overall health. Maybe you run a little bit further, or increase the speed, incline or resistance on your favorite cardio equipment, or you increase the amount weight you lift. Constantly switching things up in terms of what you do will keep your workouts fun and decrease the likelihood that you will plateau. However, leveling up and increasing the amount of effort required will really push your body to meet challenges you never thought possible.

3. STRETCH OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE: So this week I tried yoga (for the millionth time). I'm not such a big yoga enthusiast...not really sure why, but it just never really holds my attention and I always end up feeling really awkward and out of place even in beginners classes. However, after the restorative yoga class that I took this week I am reminded of the need to explicitly focus on stretching to improve flexibility and also keep my body in better condition to power through workouts with less injury. Also, the change of pace and more relaxed environment provided an opportunity to once again focus on my mental and emotional health and assess the ways in which this impacts what I am able to accomplish in the gym.

Tip of the Week:  
CAN'T STOP, WON'T STOP: I've written a number of times in this series about setting small goals on your way to your ultimate goal and as I reach the end of my summer shape up series for 2015 I want to reiterate that point. Just as I identify as a lifelong learner I find that my journey to increased mental, emotional and physical health will be one that I continue for a lifetime. That is not to say that I will never be satisfied with the way I look and/or feel, or become in some way obsessed with keeping a particular figure. However, each new year of life, each new professional experience, each new development in my personal relationships impacts the ways in which I react mentally, emotionally and physically. Constantly remaining aware of how you react as life and the world around you changes will ensure that you remain on a healthy path and that you will continue to be happy with and love the person that looks back at you in the mirror.

Ok folks. That's all I have for you today. My FINAL post in this series will come in about one week and will be the first post from New York (I am actually sitting in the airport now waiting for my flight to board). Many thanks to those of you who continue to follow along in my journey. I hope you have found the tiniest bit of encouragement and motivation somewhere within it and if not at least been slightly entertained as I try to put this complex experience into writing.

Please feel free to leave comments/questions/suggestions/criticism/etc. below or over in the comments section on the YouTube channel and as always...

Enjoy the journey...

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Summer Shape Up 2K15: Feeling Strong in Week 6!

Hey guys!

Another week is in the books and I must say coming out of week 6 I feel stronger than ever. I'm up to 60 minutes of straight, non-stop high intensity cardio (hill routine on treadmill, darebee workout, and/or elliptical) and can do three sets each of one or two strength/toning routines with only the expected fatigue and muscle soreness. My energy levels are through the roof and I'm also feeling much more in control of my emotional and mental state. This summer is by far one of the most successful in terms of health and fitness, and although I'm a little nervous about what will happen when I add back in school/work I'm feeling more motivated than ever.

Lessons Learned:

1. FARMERS' MARKET > GROCERY STORE: Let's face it, fruits and veggies are NOT cheap, especially when you're trying to do the organic thing. So after over a month of procrastination (and spending WAY too much money) I finally made it out to one of the local markets near my parents' place and it was AMAZING! We got there a little late and some of the good stuff was already sold out but we stocked up on beautiful fresh, organic veggies for so much cheaper than the grocery stores and even grabbed some delicious fruit juice on the way out. I definitely recommend skipping the produce section and heading to the nearest farmers' market you can find on your next shopping trip. Your body (and your wallet) will thank you.

2. COFFEE IS MY FRIEND: Since my dad hasn't been home to make coffee (I have no idea how to use their fancy machine) I haven't been drinking my daily cup--ok two cups--of coffee that usually keep me going when I'm up at school. My increased energy and improved sleeping patterns have left me feeling really alert and so I guess I didn't really feel pressed to search for alternative options, but I had a cup the other day since there was some left over after my parents had theirs and my workout that evening was on a whole different level. I usually just power through a workout motivated by good music and the feeling of accomplishment that I know always comes after, but a little caffeine boost can really take a great workout to the next level. There are tons of articles on the costs and benefits of caffeine before a workout so definitely take some time to look through those before making it a part of your routine (which by the way is NOT what I'm recommending here). But let's face it some days we just need the little extra push to get us in the gym and through the workout and a good cup of joe can be the perfect workout buddy in those moments.

Tip of the Week:

DOCUMENT YOUR JOURNEY: When I started this blog I had no idea what I wanted it's ultimate identity to be, and I still don't really know.  However, every week when I come on to read it I feel a huge sense of pride and increased motivation to keep on improving in all aspects (physical, mental, emotional). Taking the time each week to write down and/or record summaries of your progress, struggles, lessons learned, etc. will help you to stay present in the process. So often we focus on the end result and forget to take a moment and celebrate the tiny, everyday obstacles we've overcome and those are the very things that can often keep us pushing through when times get tough and motivation dips. Health and fitness journeys--well any self-improvement journey really-is such a personal experience so I'm definitely not recommending that everyone hop on the internet and publicly share with the world. But start a journal or create a folder on your computer to document it for yourself. You'll be amazed at how much you change week by week and it will be a great product to have when you reach your goal.

Ok that's it for this week everyone. Thanks to all who clicked like and/or favorite on the #ChallengeMe pics that went up on Facebook and Twitter. The results are in and I announced them in the video below. Next week I'll FINALLY be taking you all into the gym with me and recording an accountability section showing me actually doing the squats and push ups you challenged me to.

Please feel free to leave your own lessons learned, tips, comments, questions and/or concerns in the comments section here or over on the YouTube and Facebook pages. Make sure to check back next week and as always...

Enjoy the journey...

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Summer Shape Up 2K15: Eff Your Beauty Standards

Hey Interwebs! I can't believe over a month of Summer Shape Up is already under my belt. After a great visit from a friend I took needed some time to recuperate and get myself back together. I didn't stop working out and tried to keep my diet in control as much as possible, but weeks 4 and 5 definitely looked A LOT different than the first three.

I'll touch on some of those changes in this week's lessons learned and tip of the week,  so let's jump into those now.

Lessons Learned:

1. DARE TO BEE (ugh my puns are getting worse): 
One of the biggest changes in the last two weeks is that I switched up my workouts a bit and didn't find myself in the gym quite as often. In the week 3 update I mentioned a web site/resource called, which offers free, downloadable workouts, recipes, challenges, etc. I used this A LOT over the past two weeks and did a full walk through/review over on my YouTube channel. You can head over there now and watch it or simply press play on the video below.

Since my friend was in town for a while, we spent most of our time out and about touristing in Miami. I went to South Beach more times in her four days here than the last ten years of my life haha. Our schedule was much busier than I expected, but we found plenty of ways to use the city and make sure I still got plenty of physical activity. Walks along the beach, choosing to park further from our destination and walking, swimming, and of course tons and tons of dancing...all of this proved to be great exercise and kept me on track even while taking some liberties in the diet department. When the gym gets boring GET OUT OF THE GYM. You'll not only add some much needed variety and new energy to your routine, but you just might find some new hidden gems that help you fall in love with your hometown/current location just a bit more.

The past couple of weeks were full of changes and most of them were great, but one in particular left me feeling a bit blah. As I mentioned in the last update I decided to stop drinking the protein shakes because I thought it was time to start getting back on a more "normal" diet. BIG MISTAKE. I'll eventually stop drinking the protein shakes for two meals a day, but it's definitely the best option to replace my breakfast with and will probably continue doing it for quite a while. Mornings are just not my favorite time of the day and while I LOVE breakfast food, I'm not always very motivated to put a proper meal together for myself at 8 AM. So for now the shakes and some fruit will suffice. I've ordered my third tub of shakes and all is right again.

Tip of the Week:

EFF YO BEAUTY STANDARDS: So I'm borrowing this week's phrase from one of the top plus models in the world right now, Tess Holliday. She's pretty much everywhere these days preaching much needed messages about fighting normalized standards of beauty and loving yourself unconditionally. Every week my tip of the week seems to focus on the fact that the biggest hurdle in any weight loss, healthy lifestyle journey is the one that happens on the inside and this week is nothing different. I'm seeing AMAZING results, better than I've EVER seen, but yesterday I found myself nitpicking over my body (well really my hair--I recently took my long braid extensions out) and for some reason couldn't see past my "flaws" and find the beautiful woman I'd been falling in love with over the past month. Beauty begins within so embrace all of you, love all of you, set your own beauty standards and don't apologize for them. Remember you can diet, exercise and reach your goal weight/body, but you'll never truly be happy with yourself if you don't address and work through the negative messages about what it means to be beautiful/handsome, worthy, valued, etc. that you may have internalized. Work from the inside out and you can't fail.

Ok so that's it for this week. Over a month under my belt and I'm more motivated than ever. I've extended my trip home for a couple more weeks and with my parents coming back in less than a week I know these last 3 weeks are going to be just the push I need to get me ready for the year ahead.

Right now I'm about to give you a chance to CHALLENGE ME and play a big part in shaping my workout regimen in week 7. Head over to the Ivy Rose Facebook Page or the Ivy Rose Twitter Page  and like (FB) or Favorite (Twitter) one of the following images below:

For every like/favorite on the push ups picture I'll do ONE push up and for every like/favorite on the squats picture I'll do FIVE squats. I'll tally up all of the push ups and squats I owe and report it in the week 6 update next Tuesday and then film an accountability video in the week 7 update showing you that I've actually done them! You can also post the pics on your own social media accounts and join in on the challenge.

Thanks for checking in each week. As always feel free to leave comments/questions/motivation. Stay motivated and

Enjoy the journey....

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Summer Shape Up 2K15: Tough Times in Week 3

Three weeks are officially in the bag and I am definitely starting to feel some really positive changes all around. Schoolwork definitely picked up, but I am so proud of myself for keeping up with my workouts and sticking to my diet (although I did make a few exceptions this week).

Every week comes with new challenges and I get to know a little bit more about myself as I push through each one. This week I came up against something unexpected: Boredom! My diet, my daily workouts at the gym, my extremely routinized all just started to feel very monotonous and I felt myself wanting to veer off course just to make things interesting. This week's lessons learned and tips are all geared toward fighting these feelings of boredom and monotony while remaining motivated and on track. 

Lessons Learned:

1. GO, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU DON'T WANT TO: Like most things that require a lot of energy and work, there are going to be times when you just don't want to go. I experienced that A LOT this week. As I said before a lot of it had to do with the fact that I was starting to feel bored with my daily routine, but some of it was due to this feeling that I often get around this point when I'm amping up my program, which is that I just hate that I have to work THIS hard to achieve the results I want. But then I remember, this is something I want. No one is forcing me to do it, I made the decision to start this journey (and re-start it every time I fell off or got side-tracked) because there were things that I wanted to change and I realized it was totally in my power to do it. On the days where the "I don't want tos" really start getting me down, I push myself even more to get it done because those are the days when you prove to yourself just how committed to YOU you are. Remember, this is a personal journey and your motivation has to come from within. Yes, maybe a part of it might be to set an example for others, or to make sure you're at your best for your job/kids/family/etc. but ultimately the energy to push through the tough days will be most powerful when fueled by commitment to SELF IMPROVEMENT.

2. SWITCH IT UP, KEEP IT INTERESTING: Those "I just don't want to" days will come and they should be expected, but if they're starting to come more frequently they might be a sign that it's time to switch things up. It's important to keep your diet and your workouts full of variety. This will keep you from getting bored and it will ensure that your body is always being challenged, increasing your chances for results. If you've ever worked with a personal trainer they very rarely do the same workout two sessions in a row. However, for some reason when we're in charge of our own plans we seem to stick with what's safe and comfortable. Switch it up, go online and check out different exercise routines and programs then try them. A great site for this is Darebee, formerly, each day there is a workout of the day and there are TONS of workout routines and challenges that you can save and print (for FREE). I use it often when I need to switch things up and its really helpful.

3.  MODIFICATION IS KEY: So this might sound very similar to the last lesson learned, but here I am talking specifically about food. So often people set out to make their diets healthier and they put all of their energy thinking and talking about what they can't eat. This keeps their mind focused on a negative thought and can often lead to feelings of deprivation and missing out on the "good stuff". I've found that switching this mentality and instead thinking about the things that I can have instead keeps me much more positive and able to see all of the options that are available when starting a healthier eating pattern. Completely banning foods like sweets, bread and other snacks/beverages isn't necessarily the answer. Instead, try making small modifications to your diet such as various portion control techniques, switching to organic/health food stores and switching brands for snacks so you are getting the same tastes but higher quality ingredients that will help your body function better. For more specifics on some of the ways I do this check out this week's video update below or click here to watch it on the YouTube channel.

Tip of the Week:

PROGRESS COMES IN MANY FORMS: This week's tip of the week is keeping in line with pushing through the tough weeks where motivation seems to dip a bit. A lot of time it is due to the boredom and lack of variety in workout routine and diet, along with a ton of other factors such as increased stress from work or home life. However, I find that sometimes motivation dips because we're not seeing that progress that we were hoping for as quickly as we'd like. Paying attention to the last two tips of the week (staying away from scales and speaking positively to yourself when you look in the mirror) will help to keep you from focusing too much on this. But it's also important to remember that when embarking on a healthier lifestyle, specifically one geared toward losing weight, progress is going to come in so many different forms. You might find that you sleep better at night, have more emotional stability, handle stress better, don't lose focus as much, and generally just feel happier, more energetic and positive about life. These are all signs that you're body is working more optimally and major changes are happening. So don't get weighed down by numbers (on the scale or on your clothes) remember this is all about working toward a better YOU, from the inside out.

I hope you all found this helpful and motivating. Tough days/weeks/months are bound to happen, but if you keep finding little ways to push yourself and stay motivated there is no way you can lose and remember a day off here or there isn't going to hurt so if you need that time to get back on track-take it!

If you have your own tips and strategies for getting through the tough times please leave a comment below and I'll make sure to highlight it/show you out in next week's post. Almost one month down! Next week I'm finally taking you all in the gym with me for a peek at exactly what my routine looks like. You don't want to miss it! Stay motivated and as always...

Enjoy the journey...

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Summer Shape Up 2K15: Made it Through Week 2!

Hello All!

Apologies for being late on the week 2 update, but I took a much needed trip to visit a close friend of mine and decided to just take the time and really enjoy myself.

Week 2 was so much easier than week 1. I took the lessons learned and my own tip of the week to heart and really just hit my stride. My body is adjusting to the new diet and routine and I'm getting into a great flow with everything. However, every week comes with new tests and battles and so as usual here are my lessons learned and tip of the week coming out of week 2: This week I focused on really listening to myself and remaining in touch with my body and thoughts at every step of the way, so you'll find that many of the lessons are centered around that idea:

Lessons Learned:

1. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY: About 6 months ago I took an aerobics class and somehow hurt my back pretty badly. Ever since then I've had pretty chronic discomfort in my lower back, which I can usually alleviate through rest and stretching. When I started this new workout regimen I pushed myself to reach my 3-5 day goal by going in to the gym with very few rest days in between, which really BACKfired...get it...ok sorry. This week's first lesson is to listen to your body. If something starts to hurt, if you get dizzy, if something just doesn't feel right...stop. Immediately. Assess the situation and make adjustments. For me, the adjustment was to workout only two days in a row and then have a rest day (or two if necessary) where I focus on doing just that-resting. I also stretch A LOT on that day, giving my back extra love so that I'm ready to really go for it on my next day in the gym. The more you see results, the more you'll want to keep getting in the gym, but trust me risking an injury is definitely not worth it and could delay results.

2. ME, MYSELF & I: The gym can be a very intimidating place and I often find myself looking around and falling into the comparison game. You know the one where you start comparing your body to others', or trying to run as fast as (or faster than) the person on the treadmill next to you. Your workouts should be a very personal experience that have little to nothing to do with anyone else. I try to workout in front of a mirror or window where I can see myself and make eye contact with MYSELF as much as possible. Each day I workout I am only trying to do better than I did the day before. This also plays into the first lesson. Pushing too hard to keep up with others in the gym can lead you to injury as you push your body further than it is ready to go. Consistency will lead to steady progress. It might not happen as quickly as you want it to, but you'll get there.

3. MUSIC MATTERS: I love music and use it to motivate myself in almost everything that I do. I crank music up when I'm studying, when I'm driving and ESPECIALLY when I'm working out. However, the type of music that I listen to can really make or break a workout. Also, I need tons of variety because listening to the same music over and over again kills my vibe very quickly. In the past I've made different workout playlists and rotated them throughout the weeks (I still do this). However, I've also found that various apps are extremely helpful in providing the perfect soundtrack to any workout. My personal favorites coming out of week 2 are Spotify and Pandora. Spotify's "Workout Twerkout" playlist was great for a while but recently I've been listening to the "Women of RnB & Hip Hop" list. There is something about listening to great songs by strong women that just pushes me so much further in my workouts. Also I LOVE Pandora with my favorite channels being the 2000s and 90s hip hop channels as well as...and don't judge me here..the Britney Spears channel (it features a ton of fast-paced songs that really keep me motivated during just works for me haha).

Tip of the Week:
MIRROR, MIRROR ON THE WALL: So mirrors can be almost as hard to deal with as scales when embarking on a fitness journey. However, I've found that mirrors can actually be your best friend, especially when you're first starting out. As I stated earlier I make it a point to look in a mirror while I workout to keep my focus on ME the entire time I'm in the gym, but I don't shy away from looking in the mirror when I'm at home either. In fact I make it a point to spend a little bit of time each morning and each night looking at myself in the mirror and finding at least 3 new things I love about myself and my body. We all have something we probably wish we could change or improve, but no matter how much work you put in you'll never be satisfied until you learn to love yourself for everything you are in the present. Taking time to look in the mirror and have a positive conversation with yourself about your body will help you build a better relationship with it and you might even find that workouts are even easier to get through. Also, you'll often see results in the mirror much quicker than you see them on the scale, which will keep you motivated and encouraged.

I hope you've found this week's lessons and tips helpful. You can also head over to the YouTube channel now for a video on the third component of Summer Shape Up 2K15, meditation, which further emphasizes the importance of remaining aware of your mental and emotional health along with the diet and exercise components. In the video I review three of my favorite apps that I use to assist in keeping my thoughts positive and aligned with my overall health & fitness goals.

As always please feel free to leave a comment/question/suggestion. I'd love to hear how you all keep yourselves positive and focused while engaging in your own health and fitness journeys. If you leave them in the comments I'll add them to the beginning of next week's update. Let's all stay motivated together.

Enjoy the journey...

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Ivy Rose Reflects: Starting With Me

Over the past few weeks I've focused a lot of energy on this blog and associated YouTube channel, increasing my presence on various social media platforms. The response has been great and I appreciate all who have taken the time to stop by the blog and/or YouTube channel and show love/support. However, today I found myself spiraling down a dangerous road of thoughts about whether or not I am using my blog in the most productive of ways. Currently, its focus is primarily on my travels and my very personal experiences in yet another boost/revamp to my continuous journey in mental, emotional and physical health.

I recognize that there are so many other things going on in the world that I could be writing about-particularly as one who identifies as an African American woman (and I will when I feel ready and able to properly do so). But as I settle down from my workout this afternoon and prepare to go into my meditation for today, my mind is drawn back to all of the conversations that I've had in my classes in the past two years of my doctoral studies noting that the journey to a more just society built on the valuing of difference and not merely the tolerance of them, begins with understanding oneself.

This idea is echoed in the quotes and work of so many public figures striving toward justice and peace for all.

"If I'm not good to myself, how can I expect anyone else to be good to me?"  - Maya Angelou

"Be the change you want to see in the world" - Ghandi

“Until we have met the monsters in ourselves, we keep trying to slay them in the outer world. And we find that we cannot. For all darkness in the world stems from darkness in the heart. And it is there that we must do our work.” - Marianne Williamson

"We got a young brother to stand for something!
We got a young brother that believe in the all of us!
Brother Kendrick Lamar! He's not a rapper, he's a writer, he's an author!
And if you read between the lines, we'll learn how to love one another! But you can't do that
Right on
I said, you can't do that - without loving yourself first" - Intro to Kendrick Lamar's "i"

This idea of understanding the self--acknowledging and valuing our individual differences, uncovering our own biases, misconceptions and blind spots--is the foundation of every course I've ever taken on properly engaging with communities as an educator, researcher, counselor, health care professional, etc. It's why in every research article or book you read you'll find an entire section dedicated to the author laying out exactly who they are and how they came to this work as well as their shortcomings and limitations within it.

As I said before I will comment on all that is going on in this country and in this society. It is a part of my journey and I cannot ignore it, and trust me that is not the underlying message of this post. The very first entry of this blog (Stepping Up to the Mic) is all about me breaking my often self-imposed silence on things I previously felt like I had no right or platform on which to speak. However, self-esteem and self-love have been things that I've struggled with my entire life (as I'm sure we all have) and have greatly impacted my work and the passions that motivate me on a daily basis. I am not completely sure of what the identity of this blog will be just yet, but one of the main reasons I started it was to provide myself a little bit more of an opportunity to learn about myself.

With each workout, with each international trip, (and once school starts) each class and/or research experience reveals something else to me (and you) about myself. When do I feel like quitting? What things to I pick out as important to share? Why? What things/people/places consistently show up? How to they impact me and how I interact with and interpret the things around me? What motivates me? What inspires me? What scares me? How do all of these things manifest in my work, my social life, my research? So I guess in that regard I am using this blog as a space to do a sort of ethnographic study on myself. I've never taken the time to truly figure out who I am, what I need/want, where I see myself going and for that reason I have found myself on some slippery slopes leading down into moments of darkness I'd never thought possible.

More than anything this blog is a dialogue with myself, I've just chosen to have that conversation publicly. So follow along or not, but I hope those of you that do find a little inspiration/motivation/encouragement or whatever else you're looking for to keep on pushing in your own journeys. I did my final project (for a course that pushed me personally and academically more than any other) on the power of storytelling, which I truly believe in and used as the foundation for my teaching practices (a topic for a future post) As Maya Angelou says:

This is mine...

Enjoy the journey....